Thursday 21 March 2024

It's That Equinoxey Time of Year

I could get used to posting on the Earth's four corners and I seem to be doing just that.

Why do I have the feeling that the era starting around the Festival of Britain in 1951 and dying with the Onset of Blair in 1997 was the last go round for anything that made life worthwhile?

Almost everybody looks forward to living in a cockroach-infested cesspit rather than aspire to what a civilisation might have to offer.

But there's that goat-footed balloonMan whistling far and wee again and all good things must come to a start.

Friday 22 December 2023

It's That Solsticey Time Of The Year


The sol standing tice-ish as seen from the New Tavern Fort in Gravesend.

It is good for a while to let ones ambitions of some day condemning around three hundred thousand of the inhabitants of these isles to the executioner's yard, and of deporting a couple million more, lapse for a while and admire a decaying 40mm Bofors.

Friday 8 September 2023

Ripping Writing

Bond is back!
Bond made it into the Safe Space with instants to spare and wept with relief. The SMERSH triggerman was still outside, shouting "Global Warming is a hoax" and "Brexit happened, get over it"  but now Bond wasn't to be triggered.
"Ah, Mr. Bond, I was expecting you," purred Blofeld, looking over Bond's Sustainably Sourced hemp AntiFa romper suit, "though I wasn't expecting you to have wet yourself."
"bUt YOu sAid sEx Is GeNeTiCalLy dEterMinED", Bond snapped back.
These are clearly not excerpts from the new effort by C. Higson. Clearly, because they are much better written.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Heavier Than Air


The official Narrative is that at Versailles, France, on 19th September 1783, the brothers Montgolfier put a sheep, a duck and a rooster into the basket of a hot-air balloon and achieved the first ever flight with passengers, albeit not human passengers.

The obvious giveaway is that roosters and ducks are anyway capable of flight. There would simply have been no point in using a hot air balloon for the that purpose.

In fact the basket contained three piglets, and was catapulted skywards from the twin-pylonned sling shown in the centre of the picture. An engraver caught the moment and rushed his work to a secret Government laboratory where the "balloon" was faked in. The slipshod quality of the work can be seen at the top, where the "balloon" intrudes over the margin of the title.

The crowd was also faked in. In fact this was just another ordinary day at Versailles, and the erection and operation of a basket-of-piglets launcher attracted no particular attention.

The original engraving, before studio alteration, shows how easy it was even before the advent of photography for the Authorities to comprehensively falsify events to suit their own Agenda.

Tuesday 25 April 2023



Give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, and he will burn the boat as firewood, chop up the net for bumswipes, and come to you whingeing that the nights are cold, his arse is sore and can you dob him another fish.